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Pet Honesty Pet Honesty

What Your Dog's Tail is Trying to Teach You

Dr. Lindsey • 18 July 2023

It may not seem like it, but your dog's tail is a powerful sign when it comes to communicating with you. 

Whether your dog's tail is wagging quickly or is held still in different positions—tails share a lot of what you need to know about your dog's mood. By interpreting tail wags, you can observe your dog's mood and what they’re trying to tell you.

In this article, we’ll break down the various messages your dog's tail movements are sending you, as well as signs to watch out for that might indicate something wrong.


Understanding what your dog's tail is trying to tell you

By being observant of your dog's tail, they'll tell you everything you need to know just from the way their tail is wagging. Of course, a tail wag alone isn't an indication of anything for sure, but when a tail wag is coupled with other actions, it could mean something important.

Understanding begins with being present with your dog. Whether you have a Yorkshire terrier or a French bulldog, all tail wags are a form of communication.

Benefits of understanding your pup’s wagging tail

Understanding your pup’s body language, tail wagging and even tail biting more can be incredibly beneficial, both for you and your pup. With a more acute understanding of your dog's body language and tail wagging, you'll be able to better respond in ways that make them feel safe.

This will help to foster strong relationships between the two of you, as well as help address any behavioral issues that may arise from their stress or anxiety. 

It’s also important to note that by being aware of your dog’s body language signals, you can spot signs of distress earlier on and act accordingly.


Certain Breeds Have Different Tail Language

It’s important to note that certain breeds have different tails, meaning they express themselves with their tails differently. For example, a Doberman pinscher may carry their tail higher and wag their tails quicker, while a Siberian Husky might carry its tail lower and have a naturally slow wagging tail.

Tail language can even vary within the same species of dog—for example, some dogs may even use their tails to indicate that they have found food or water, while others will use their tail position be it to show submission or as a way to initiate play.

This is why paying attention to your pup’s behavior is important, as this will give you the most accurate understanding of their tail language. Understanding a dog's "tail language" won't be a one size fits all approach, but with some time and patience, you will become a pro at understanding your dog's tail.

Why Does a Dog Wags its Tail to Communicate?

How can a dog maintain their emotions with a single wag? Well, it's quite simple when you understand what a wagging tail means and how tail wagging works.

Since dogs can't talk like humans do, they rely on their body language and tail to get their points across. A tail helps the dog's body language to communicate many things, such as negative feelings such as fear or even curiosity.


Different Types of Tail Wags and What They Mean

Steady wag with a relaxed body posture

This type of tail wagging usually means your pup is feeling happy and relaxed. The tail will move back and forth steadily without any sudden jerks or movements. It’s a sign that your pup is content and at ease in their environment.

This type of tail wagging usually occurs when your pup is feeling content in its surroundings. In general, you’ll notice this type of tail wagging when they are being petted or when they are around friends and family. 

This is a good wag as it usually means that your pup feels safe and secure, and happy with the current situation.

Rapid wag with an erect body posture

This type of wag usually means your pup is feeling excited, especially when dogs wag while they are standing up with their tail held high. It may also be a sign that your pup wants to initiate some playtime with you or another dog.

This is the way you'll see when you first walk through the door, and it means good news! Especially if they are around their favorite toy or person, or are being offered a treat!

Low or rapid downward wags

This type of limp tail or slow wag usually means your pup is feeling uncertain, scared, or overwhelmed. It’s a sign that they may be feeling insecure in their environment and need some comfort from you.

In this case, it’s important to remain calm and remove your pup from the situation if possible.

Take time to sit down with them and pet them gently until they feel more relaxed. You can also offer anxiety treats, toys, games or activities that will help to distract them and shift their focus away from whatever was scaring them.

This type of wag can happen in situations, such as when a new person or animal enters the room, or when they are exposed to loud noises or unfamiliar environments. Some dogs are also afraid of thunderstorms and rain and may start to wag their tail like this.

Side-to-side wagging with a tense body posture

This type of high-tail wag usually means your pup is feeling threatened or unhappy. Pay attention to their body posture as well—if it’s tense, this may mean they are in a defensive state and need some calming from you before any further interaction.

This can happen in situations where two dogs are meeting for the first time, as one dog may feel uncomfortable or intimidated by the other dog. 

Try to  stay calm and ease them out of the situation by offering comforting words and gestures. If the situation persists, it may be best to remove them from the environment to ensure their safety and well-being.

Slow swishing from side to side, often accompanied by panting

This type of wagging usually means your pup is feeling tired or stressed. If you notice other dogs using this type of tail language, it’s important to give them some space and let them rest. This can be common after playing, but can also indicate your dog is feeling overwhelmed.

If you notice this type of tail language, it’s important to give them some space and let them rest. If the situation persists, try offering calming treats or playing calming music to help them relax and decompress.


No tail movement at all – could mean fear or aggression

If your pup’s tail is completely still, this could mean they are feeling fear or aggression. This type of tail language typically happens in situations where your pup feels threatened or is around an unfamiliar animal. Your dog displaying it is on standby and is ready to take action.

Pay attention to their body language and the environment around them—if it looks like they are trying to back away from something, it’s best to give them space until the situation passes and then proceed with a calming treat



By being aware of your pup’s tail language, you can better understand their emotions and respond to them in ways that make them feel safe. Note that certain dog breeds will have different tail languages than others, so pay attention to your pup and the context they are in.

Understanding a dog's "tail language" won't be a one size fits all approach, but with some time and patience in dog training, you will become a pro at understanding your pup!

If ever in doubt of what your pup is trying to communicate, observe their body language and the environment around them for clues into how they may be feeling. With enough practice, you two will soon be communicating perfectly.


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