Does your dog have itchy ears? Are they constantly scratching themselves? Is their skin red and inflamed in areas?
You might not know it but your dog could be suffering from one or more of several different types of allergies...they just can’t communicate it to you! Whether their symptoms are caused by environmental allergies or food allergies, dogs can suffer from a number of underlying ailments and their symptoms may be hard to recognize.
Spring is just around the corner which means warmer weather, an abundance of pollen and more time outside for you and your pup! Unfortunately an increase in allergies comes along with the better weather...and your dog is not immune to them.
A high percentage of dogs suffer from skin, food and seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies are actually the second-most common cause of itchy skin in dogs! Aside from itchiness, dogs can suffer from watery eyes, hair loss, skin infections, a runny nose, and a number of different unwanted symptoms.
According to PetMD, f your dog is exhibiting one or more of the following symptoms it’s very likely they could have a pollen allergy, grass allergy, or any other type of seasonal allergy that you can actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT.
- Scratching and biting on your dog’s body: If your dog is scratching or biting themselves excessively and their skin is red and inflamed it could be because of allergies
- Inflamed and infected skin: Scratching and biting can lead to red skin, open wounds and infections. You can treat inflamed areas with witch hazel or applying green or black tea bags to their skin but you should take them to a veterinarian to make sure the infection doesn’t spread.
- Excessive shedding: This is another symptom of intense scratching gone awry. If your pet is scratching themselves so much they’ll probably be shedding all over the place more so than usual.
- Paw licking: While normal for cats, when dogs begin obsessively licking their paws it could be a sign that they’re trying to push histamines (chemicals in the immune system released by allergies) out of their body through their extremities (like their ears, paws, face or bottom). Rubbing their face a lot is another symptom of this.
- Scooting around: This could also indicate an issue with your dog’s anal gland but sometimes scooting is another way for dogs to relieve itchiness in their extremities (similar to how humans rub their eyes or nose) and push out histamines.
- Vomiting and Diarrhea: Either of these that are out of the ordinary for your dog and unrelated to diet changes could signal your dog is experiencing allergies.
- Itchy Ears and Chronic Ear Infections: Dogs with excessively itchy ears or very frequent ear infections could be experiencing allergies. Head shaking and red ears that feel waxy are signs that your dog’s ear(s) could be infected
- Breathing Issues: While less common in dogs than in cats, dogs who are having trouble breathing or are wheezing could be experiencing an allergic reaction to food or their surroundings.
Weeds, trees and grass pollens are the most common allergens in the spring season though dogs can experience allergies year round - just like humans.
While your veterinarian may approve giving your dog an antihistamine just like a human would take, they tend to work better on humans than on dogs and will only cover up the symptoms temporarily.
To provide in-the-moment, daily relief AND actually promote immune system health, we recommend a holistic and natural supplement like our Allergy Relief chews.
They contain premium and natural forms of ingredients like:
- Turmeric + Salmon Oil
- Natural helps promote a normal inflammatory response
- Colostrum + Probiotics
Colostrum for dogs helps support the immune system and your dog’s “gut” so they are stronger and less affected by allergens
Whether your dog suffers from seasonal or year-round allergies, it’s important to run allergy testing to get to the source of his issues. If left untreated, your pup can suffer from itchy skin, a runny nose, watery eyes, and a number of other symptoms. If your dog has an immune response or is allergic to seasonal irritants, the time to seek help is before allergy season even begins.
Our Allergy Relief supplement takes an inside out approach to tackle the root cause of allergies while also providing in the moment relief for your dog. If you feel like your pup might have dog allergies and are looking for a way to give them some relief this Spring season, try our all-natural Allergy Relief supplement chews and let us know what you think!