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8 Remedies to Help Dogs with Mange

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It is best to see a vet if you notice skin reactions like itching in your dog. Sometimes, we mistake mange in dogs for skin allergies. Both cause skin diseases, but the former is more dangerous if left untreated or misdiagnosed.

There are several ways to treat mange, but it often boils down to having the correct diagnosis. Demodectic mange is less troubling and might require a simple immune boost for your dog. On the other hand, sarcoptic mange mites are more dangerous and can even pass on to humans.

We've found a few home remedies to help dogs deal with and eliminate these dangerous parasites. You can execute them, but you must do so with great care. Nonetheless, they are simple enough for you to handle.


8 Dog Mange Home Remedies You Can Try Today

Regardless of your expertise in demodectic mange or sarcoptic mange, do not start anything without a diagnosis. Skin scrapings can reveal the former quickly but can be misleading for the latter. You should proceed with effective treatment, especially if you notice hair loss, itching, and other secondary infections.

Over-the-counter treatment is available for mange. The drugs are potent, and you should ask your veterinarian for their recommendation. Nevertheless, home remedies could work for a simple demodectic mange.

Dog mange treatment is possible at home, even as you add the vet’s prescription. This isn’t limited to young animals, as some think. So, here are the eight dog mange home remedies you can try today:


Immunity Boosting

Demodectic mange mites are typical for dogs and do not cause health problems immediately. Your pet's immune system is a big part of how well it can deal with demodectic mange and keep it from getting worse to a dangerous level. Hence, you must keep it as strong as possible with multivitamins and other immune-enhancing supplements.

Allergy support also helps to limit skin irritation. As a result, the combination could end up being all you need for the dog.

In extreme cases like sarcoptic mange, you must do more than boost the immune system. There’ll be a need for further treatments for the resulting secondary bacterial infections. You can’t rely on promoting your pet’s immune system alone to eliminate the mites.



Honey is one of the best natural ingredients for mange treatment because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is safe to handle and safe for the dog. However, you don’t want to cover the entire body in honey, as it could quickly lick it off.

Adding honey to the dog’s food also boosts the immune system, but it works better when applied directly to the sore spots. It can smother the mange mites in small areas, giving the dog relief.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a home solution still debated in the larger health community. It is potent enough to destroy mite infestations, but even a tiny quantity can irritate dogs' skin. Hence, it must be used with care.

Some argue that apple cider vinegar is effective in treating skin problems because of its pH balance alone. However, you can always contact the veterinarian if you need help with how to proceed with the home remedy.


Olive Oil

Olive oil is efficient in treating localized cases of mange mites. A thin layer of olive oil on the dog’s skin is enough. However, the treatment becomes ineffective when you move from mild cases to highly contagious and life-threatening situations.

This oil is good for re-moisturizing the skin and quelling itching. It is harmless to the dog and doesn’t cause any irritation, but you shouldn’t allow your dog to consume it orally.



Lemon is another common form of mange treatment. It works with direct application to the dog’s skin, especially the affected areas. A whole lemon or more with two liters of water will work, but you can vary the mixture.

The mixture’s acidity kills off the mites on the skin and other bacteria or fungi that could cause secondary infections. Moreover, citrus is widely known for its antiseptic properties.

Some people will add garlic to the lemon mixture. These are natural remedies, and any little addition could be practical.


It’s common to hear arguments against the effectiveness of yogurt as a mange treatment. Nevertheless, unsweetened yogurt has proven to be effective as a home treatment. It’s safer, and its probiotic properties ease itching.

Yogurt can smother the mites on the skin and help with other secondary bacterial infections.


Aloe Vera

Unlike other natural remedies listed here, Aloe Vera is dangerous if consumed. You should keep an e-collar on when applying it to the skin. That will deter your dog from licking it off its body.

Aloe vera helps to soothe your pet’s skin and reduce itching and irritations from the mites. It won’t work on the entire body but is effective on a localized mite population. Hence, you should look elsewhere when dealing with a full-blown situation or sarcoptic mange.

Apply aloe vera a few times a week until the skin clears up. The remedy also helps prevent other infections from arising.

Anti-parasitic herbs

Some anti-parasitic herbs deal with ear mites or sarcoptic mange. They include the following:

  • Barbados nut oil: This anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and insecticidal oil is an effective treatment for mange in dogs. It is also effective against other skin problems and parasites. Notwithstanding, you can mix it with niaouli essential oil for maximum effect. Apply the mixture two to three times daily. Also, ensure you use it externally only.
  • Turmeric plus neem oil: Heat a sliced turmeric root for 30 minutes with water. One small root for 8 ounces of water is enough. Then, mix it with leaf infusion and use it as a rinse for your furry friend. Do this twice daily for 14 days. You can also switch to the neem herbal tincture with 30 ml of water for each tincture.
  • Karanja oil: You can replace neem oil with Karanja oil. It is just as good and has good anti-parasitic properties.
  • Neem plus essential oil: Essential oils like geranium and palmarosa are safe for treating mange, especially the sarcoptic type. Neem oil from the neem plant is also suitable for treatment. It forces the mites to migrate to the skin’s surface, which suffocates them. Neem oil has antibacterial, antiparasitic, and antifungal properties. It destroys the mites’ reproductive cycle. Furthermore, bathing dogs with it can be helpful.


House Fumigation

Demodectic mange cannot survive outside the dog’s skin. On the other hand, sarcoptic mange can stay two to three days outside of a living host. It can infect other dogs or animals in the home, like your cat.

Killing the mites outside the dog’s body is essential to preventing infection in other pets. That also extends to the yard for the dogs to play.

House fumigation also helps eliminate other pests in the home. So, while it is a good move to prevent mange transmission, it can also help eliminate other infections that could appear. Skin sores can attract all manner of infections.

Fumigate the dog’s bedding or change it altogether. Whichever works best for you.


When to Isolate Your Fury Friend

Mange is a skin disease visible to the naked eye. You might not see the mites, but you’ll notice hair loss, itching, and irritation in your dogs.

In its generalized form, demodectic mange is harmless, and a dog with a robust immune system can handle it. Hence, it is crucial to add supplements to its meals. Preventive care is better than leaving it to deteriorate into a harmful state.

Demodectic mange is not contagious, and your other pets will not get it. Also, a simple skin scraping is enough to reveal it.

Sarcoptic mange is sneakier. The mites burrow into the skin and lay eggs in the tunnel they create. Hence, skin scrapings might not reveal their presence. That is why some people mistake it for a skin condition.

If you see signs of sarcoptic mange, it's best to immediately keep your dog away from other animals and people. Keep the dog isolated until you complete treatment and the skin scrapings return negative. Remember that it is highly contagious to other animals and humans.



Some people use borax (hydrogen peroxide) as a home remedy for mange treatment. The laundry detergent kills mites on the dog’s coat and other objects. However, it causes skin drying and is toxic if ingested.

Home remedies can help, but the best thing to do is visit the vet. A skin scraping will reveal more about other skin diseases and help you deal with them simultaneously. Moreover, there are powerful over-the-counter treatments that are viable to treat mange.

Combine vet care with home care for maximum results. Isolate your dog until the treatment is complete. This is necessary if the mange is the sarcoptic variant.

On the other hand, pay attention to your dog’s food. Provide multivitamins and other supplements to boost the immune system to help fight demodectic mange.