Positive reinforcement is a simple and effective way to train your dog, and it's a fun experience for both of you. All you have to do is reward good behavior - if your pup sits when you ask them, reward their obedience with a treat or another type of motivation. When it comes to motivating your dog, plenty of options are available.
When Should I Reward My Dog?
Rewards are essential when teaching your pup a new skill! As soon as they've successfully learned the behavior and can do it well in different environments, you can switch up the type of reward. Instead of providing treats every single time, opt for verbal praise like "good dog!" - however, offering an occasional treat as a bonus is always a nice touch. At first, it'll be beneficial to give rewards frequently while they still understand the behavior - that way, they're more likely to pick up on what you're asking them to do.
After your pup has adopted the desired behavior and is doing it consistently, you can switch up when they receive rewards. Maybe they'll get a treat every other time, then every third time - or maybe reward them with verbal praise or a loving petting session instead! Keeping the rewards unpredictable ensures your dog remains interested and motivated throughout the process.
The Time and Location to Reward Your Dog
It's essential to reward your pup immediately when they've done something you want them to do. For instance, if your dog follows your commands and stays seated during a walk - reward them immediately! Doing so establishes a clear connection between the desired behavior and the reward, as opposed to giving them the treat once you get home from the walk -which could leave your pup confused about why they are being rewarded.
Consistent reinforcement and rewards are essential for successful dog training. When teaching your pup a new behavior, ensure you are always consistent with your commands and expectations. Quickly rewarding them as soon as they obey will help them learn and remember the desired behavior. It's important to give the rewards where the event happened, too - like right at the spot where your pup sat to stay during their walk; in this way, they know that they've done something good in that particular moment.
Although rewards are key for successful training, do not reward bad behaviors. If you don't want your dog to do something, do not reward them if they do it.
Show your pup some love and use it as a reward for good behavior. Spend quality time cuddling and praising - most dogs thrive off of human connection and attention, so nothing can be better than getting that from you! Use this opportunity to foster the bond between you two and reinforce the positive behaviors.
Whether it's playing a game, cuddling, or giving praise - showing your pup some love is the best way to reward them for good behavior. Dogs adore human connection and attention, so use this as an opportunity to bond and build positive habits. You'll find your pup will be eager to please you in return.
Positive reinforcement typically involves rewarding your dog with food, as treats are the most convenient way to provide an immediate reward. Clicker training allows you to give a treat immediately upon performing a behavior, ensuring that they're properly rewarded for doing the right thing. Food rewards are also perfect for when you need your pup to perform a certain behavior multiple times in quick succession.
Treats may not be the best choice for training in every situation. It can be inconvenient to carry treats around all day, and some dogs may have allergies or weight/digestive problems that make it difficult or unwise to reward them with food. For these cases, other means of positive reinforcement might be more suitable.
Healthy and Delicious Supplements That You Can Give Your Dogs
Pet Honesty's Hemp Calming Fresh Sticks provide a delicious, calming supplement for dogs of all sizes. Made with natural ingredients like hemp, valerian root, and chamomile, these dental sticks help to ease anxious behaviors and hyperactivity while cleaning teeth at the same time. The peanut butter taste is sure to be loved by your pup! Not only will these help soothe them during stressful events like thunderstorms, vet visits, travel, or separation, but they are manufactured in a GMP-certified facility for added peace of mind.
Specifically formulated and vet-recommended, Pet Honesty's Hip + Joint Health Max Strength soft chews are designed to support your pup's joint health, mobility, and flexibility. Powerful ingredients like glucosamine, fish oil, and vitamins help promote healthy cartilage and strong bones while relieving discomfort associated with normal daily activities or rigorous training.
Games or Toys
Play with your pup to reward good behavior! Fetch, and tug-of-war are great games for reinforcing positive behaviors. Teaching your dog how to release toys can help you get the most out of these training sessions. Make sure their reward is worth it, and they'll be eager to play again and again!
Reward your pup with fun games for desired behaviors too. Through positive reinforcement training, you can use games - such as tug-of-war and fetch - to encourage good behavior in the same way food treats would be used. A game of your dog's preference is the perfect reward for when they do something you appreciate.
Make training fun and rewarding with games like tug-of-war or fetch! Start by asking your pup to sit before the game begins. As soon as they obey, give them their toy or ball to start playing. During the game, incorporate commands such as "leave it" into your play - when they let go of the toy after being asked, ask them to lie down and then reward them with the game again. Sneaking in a training session is a great way to encourage good behavior.
Time with Other Dogs
Playing with other puppies is always a treat for your pup! As a reward, you can take them to the local dog park - but only after they've responded positively to some of your commands. Ask them to sit or wait before they're allowed out of the car and again before entering the gate. When they understand that listening to you comes first, you'll find that your furry friend will be eager to respond. This will encourage the positive behaviors you want to see and foster the bond between you two.
What to Do When a Dog is Showing Behavioral Problems
- Hopping on guests. If your pup tends to jump on guests, it's important to get them trained out of this behavior. When someone arrives, ask them not to greet the dog until they have all four paws on the ground. If your pup jumps up on them while they're arriving, gently remove them from the situation and try again when they are calm. Once your pup has all four feet on the ground and isn't jumping, reward them with verbal praise or a treat for good behavior. This will help reinforce that you want them to stay calm instead of jumping on guests when they arrive.
- Licking excessively. Before greeting someone, it's important to train your pup to sit when you give them the cue. Have treats on hand and reward them when they remain seated. Guests should ignore the pup until all four paws are on the ground or sitting. If your pup jumps up, guests should turn away and walk away from them. This will teach your dog that jumping results in no attention or rewards from visitors.
- Barking at other people all the time. To get your pup to stop barking when someone visits, redirect them to a "sit-stay" or a "down-stay" position before you answer the door. Give your visitors plenty of treats to give your pup once they sit quietly. This will associate visitors with good behavior and tasty rewards!
- Bolting through doors. Bolting through the door is a dangerous habit your pup should not keep. Put their leash on before you answer the door and train them to sit and stay until you both are ready to go through. Establish a "wait" as soon as they have walked through the door so that your dog looks for instructions from you next.
- Chewing objects they see. Make sure to offer your dog many safe and chew-approved toys for them to play with. To save your most beloved belongings, put them away and have approved chew toys you can give when needed. Don't forget to reward your pet when they find a way to have fun without destroying anything! Aim for thirty minutes of exercise each day to add even more activities to their day. This gives them the physical outlet and mental stimulation with a puzzle toy session.
- Digging up the yard. For pups who can't seem to stay out of the dirt, it may be a sign that they are trying to find a cool spot to rest or hiding food for later. To help with this behavior, designate an area in your yard where they can dig and encourage them to stick to it. If you don't have much space, keep an eye on your pet while playing outdoors and offer plenty of toys and activities as distractions. Getting them a thirty-minute walk each day will also help burn off some of the energy that leads to digging.
- Being aggressive. If your pup shows signs of aggression, it is best to seek assistance from a veterinarian behaviorist. Aggression can have its root in something deeper than bad behavior, and getting help from someone certified in training can help address the issue. When dealing with aggressive behaviors arise, it is important to consult a board-certified trainer for advice and guidance.
Can I Reward My Dog without Treats?
A well-trained pup doesn't need treats all the time to be rewarded for good behavior. Consider offering other forms of reward, such as physical love and affection. Even something as simple as a scratch behind the ears or a head pat can positively affect your dog's morale and make them feel appreciated.
Verbal feedback and words of encouragement are also great ways to reward good behavior. Alternatively, if your pup loves to catch a ball, consider throwing the ball as a reward for good behavior - it's an excellent way to make them feel appreciated!
Alternatives to treats will only be beneficial if they are something your dog likes and adhere to the same basic principles of a treat-based reward system - for instance, rewarding them with physical love or attention as soon as they display good behavior. Also, activities such as playing fetch or taking them out for some fun time can be used to show how pleased you are with their actions.
Something to Remember
Be aware that any interaction with your pup can be seen as a reward for certain behaviors, even if you don't intend it to be. For example, when your dog is barking and lunging toward another dog or person, you may instinctively pick them up to calm the situation - but this action may inadvertently reinforce their behavior. Similarly, if they are barking outdoors and you shout at them to stop, you're unwittingly joining in the conversation and praising them for their actions. Pay attention to your dog's reactions after exhibiting certain behaviors - because, to them, any sort of attention is better than nothing.
Rewards and positive reinforcement are essential to any training program. While treats can be used as a reward for good behavior, many other alternatives can help reinforce desired behaviors in dogs. Verbal feedback and words of encouragement, physical love, and affection, and activities such as playing fetch or taking them out for some fun time - these all provide valuable opportunities for rewarding your pup without the need for treats. Lastly, it's important to remember that any form of interaction with your pup can be seen as a reward for certain behaviors - so be mindful of the type of responses you give when interacting with them.